9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom

If we, as mothers, are not careful we can begin to find our identity in our children and their behavior. The truth is, the behavior of your children is not the measure of your value and worth as a person.

Every mom needs a safe place to talk about the real issues she is facing without feeling like she will be judged as a “bad mom.” We need others to come alongside us and cheer us on as moms even when we feel like our parenting skills are lacking. When I began writing 9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom this story from my own life came to my mind (watch the video).

If you are picking up this book, I hope it is because you want to become the most life-giving mother you can be. If you want to realize your God-given calling as a mom, it’s going to take more than a list of “dos and don’ts.” It’s going to take real and honest introspection into the character of your life.

Go through this Life-Giving Journey with Others

If you would like to lead others through this journey, you can find a schedule and step-by-step instructions here. 

If you are tired of being alone, let’s walk down this path toward freedom together. If you have the desire to change and become all God created you to be, then I pray you will find healing and hope through my story, and the stories of other women wading through the tasks of motherhood just like you.

Every Mom Has Issues

You need to know the meaning of your life is not measured by the sum total of the mundane moments and monotonous tasks of motherhood. You need to know that what you are doing has immense purpose. You need a fresh experience of God’s presence in the midst of your ordinary, hectic days.

You also need friends. Not the kind of friends who have it all together in their Instagram-perfect homes and fashion-ready children. No, you need friends who will be honest with their own struggles. Friends who will cheer you on to cross the finish line of being faithful to God within your calling of motherhood.

You Can Do It!

Welcome to a life-giving journey where it is safe for you to be honest, transparent, and real about the areas in your life that are holding you back. Let’s travel together with the expectancy that God still works in the imperfect details of our lives. Let Him touch the hidden places of your heart and help you discover the joy of walking with Him. Go ahead and believe that He can take your worst and replace it with His best.

Meditate on This…

“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me”

Philippians 4:13 NKJV

Begin Your Life-Giving Journey

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Let’s Connect


I’m the mother of 6, a new author and speaker with over 25 years experience in leadership, ministry, marriage, and education. I am also a woman with every-day life issues that values relationships. If you would like to join the Private Facebook Page click here to connect.