Find Wholeness of Mind, Body, and Heart
Healing Rain by Sue Detweiler offers a step-by-step biblical guide that will help you tend to your heart and experience healing in your body, mind, and emotions—and empower you to help others do the same. You will gain wisdom, read incredible testimonies, utilize discussion questions, receive prayers, use activation exercises, and read a powerful spiritual inventory to spark your healing journey.
Get the 7 Keys To Divine Healing, the FREE companion to Healing Rain.

Immerse Yourself In The Love of Christ
Do you continue to hit walls of resistance as you pursue healing? Sue Detweiler, prophet and host of the popular Healing Rain podcast, has helped thousands of believers move from the trenches of despair and sickness into the fields of freedom—and she wants to empower you as well.
Full of wisdom, incredible testimonies, discussion questions, prayers, and keys to healing, this biblical guide points to the words, actions, and miracles of Jesus, giving you the confidence to trust his presence and discover how to
- overcome trauma and destructive thoughts
- open pathways to spiritual encounters with Jesus
- receive the power of his blood to heal every area of your life
- and more
Here is everything you need to tend to your heart and experience healing in your body, mind, and emotions.
When you buy the book or course you are donating to LifeBridge.
Are you stuck in your healing journey and eager for divine healing? Are you longing for:
Health, wholeness, and freedom?
Breakthrough to healing?
Confidence in God’s healing power?
Steps you can take for spiritual and physical healing?
If you have experienced trauma, whether it’s emotional, physical, or even from ministry, Sue Detweiler wants you to know that vibrance, health, and peace are possible! Healing Rain is for anyone fighting their way back to complete healing that needs support, a path, and spiritual revitalization.
Why I wrote Healing Rain
In 2008, after I’d been in Brazil for six weeks, my gastrointestinal tract was contaminated by rare bacteria and parasites. As a result, I began to experience one problem in my body after another that affected my weight and mindset. It was a perfect storm of health challenges, including several autoimmune issues that went undiagnosed for six years.
Today, I’m healthy, strong, and vibrant. However, after losing the initial weight after my thyroid miraculously healed, I am at a plateau and still overweight. So, I’m still on this healing journey with you!
At a point of extreme stress in my life, I went on an extended prayer retreat. I felt beaten down by toxic situations that had stolen my self-confidence. While there, the Holy Spirit prompted me to begin an “I am” journal. He had me speak out loud as I prayed and believed:
- “I am a prolific writer.”
- “I am an international speaker.”
- “I am a world-class leader.”
Now, years later, I am a prolific writer, international speaker, world-class leader, and global thinker. I went from having prophetic promises spoken over me to embracing them as my own! Finally, I came into agreement with Heaven’s vision for my life.
My book Healing Rain takes the hard spiritual and biblical lessons I’ve learned to help you experience the same transformation and healing promised by God. So you, too, can come into agreement with His vision for your life.
When you buy the book or course, you are donating to LifeBridge.

Areas of healing you’ll explore:
Inner Healing of your heart includes your mind, will, and emotions. Get the “heart healing” you need.
Spiritual Healing, which begins with the miracle of rebirth or salvation. Experience spiritual healing, even deliverance.
Physical Healing of your body. Gain freedom from weight challenges, chronic health issues, and more.
What readers are saying:
Healing Rain is an equipping tool for individual and corporate revival. If you are on a healing journey, Healing Rain will guide you on a pathway to be soaked in His presence, healed by His word, and strengthened by His covenant.
Sue Detweiler’s Healing Rain is set to become a catalyst for end-time revival.
Sue Detweiler has written the keys to physical and mental healing that took me years to dig out of many sources; not to mention lots of biblical study and prayer. If you are fighting against anxiety and depression, this book has keys to finding wholeness and peace. If you are desperately needing physical healing, there are deep truths that will help lead to the miracle you need.
Sue Detweiler’s new book, Healing Rain: Immersing Yourself in Christ’s Love to Find Wholeness of Mind, Body, and Heart, is a book of encouragement that forms a basis of hope on the experience and understanding of God’s love, and the understanding of who He is in us and who we are in Him. Sue helps us to understand the Father’s love for us, Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on our behalf, and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for service, healing, and miracles.
Skillfully delves into healing for the whole of who we are, enabling us to arise healed and victorious.
Masterfully weaves together biblical truth with personal testimony.
Your faith will be strengthened.
Get ready to heal your head, address burnout, stop agreeing with sickness, and activate your faith!
Gain confidence in his presence and discover how to:
Open pathways to spiritual encounters with Jesus
Remove obstacles to complete healing
Overcome trauma and destructive thoughts
Receive the power of his blood to heal every area of your life
Activate a supernatural faith and lifestyle
Healing Rain is everything you need to tend to your heart and experience healing in your body, mind, and emotions.
When you buy the book or course, you are donating to LifeBridge.
There are seven places on Jesus’ body where He bled for you. The number seven signifies completion. His shed blood once and for all frees you from the curse of the enemy in your life. When Jesus died on the cross and said, “It is finished,” it was a victory cry of triumph.
Get the 7 Keys To Divine Healing companion guide!