Healing Rain Radio
I like to think of REST as an acronym:
R – Revive
E – Expectancy
S – Surrender &
T – Trust
Download 9 Healthy Habits
Cornerstones (Part 2)
What you believe leads to how you behave.
- Dream Big (Since God is Good, Dream Big)
The moment you stop dreaming you start dying. Religion can kill the capacity to dream. Orphans dream of survival, but sons dream about inheritance. You are God’s workmanship and He has things for you to do!
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT
2. Take Risks (Since Nothing is Impossible with God, Take Risks).
God is a miracle working God. Everyone in the body of Christ is able to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Lord reveals Himself so that we can know Him. Every revelation of God’s nature is an invitation to encounter His presence. God’s actions reveal His nature. Taking risks is a part of your Christian life.
3. Trust God (Since Everything was Purchased at the Cross, I can Trust God with All Things)
Jesus died on the cross for us. He purchased our salvation, our healing, and our eternal life. God doesn’t lie or tease or draw us in to be disappointed. He is the God who is absolutely faithful. Fully convinced that He has been provided for. The enduring breakthrough takes time. It shapes us. Our trust is anchored in who He is. Trust is fortified when we go through tough stuff.
4. Serve Well (Since I am Significant, I have been Given the Privilege to Serve Well).
Don’t become overly impressed by who you are. You don’t get it. Your significance is not independent of Christ’s significance. One of the final examples that Jesus gave while he lived on this earth was to wash his disciple’s feet.
“Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him. John 13:3-5 NLT
When you discover who you are, all you want to do is give it away. Jesus eternally God forfeited what he has to become a man and our elder brother.
If you see it clearly, you won’t build a monument around yourself. Jesus served his disciples. Their destiny was impacted by the basin and towel. We are called to walk in that same humility.
Writing You Mission Statement
Download your copy of 7 Steps to Writing Your Personal Mission Statement to provide an opportunity to reflect on God’s calling on your life. Download here. Click picture to download your copy of 7 Steps to Writing a Personal Mission Statement.
Cornerstones hold things in place. Here are a few key things we talked about in this broadcast:
1. God is good
Goodness of God is cornerstone. Jesus came to reveal the goodness of the Father. Reveal the father to an orphan planet. The Lord heals us of the misconception that we have to work for favor. The issue of the goodness of God is cornerstone.
2. Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for those who believe. Nothing is impossible with God. Invade realms of impossibility.
3. Everything we need was provided at the cross.
In the ages to come we would know his grace. It was all bought by the blood of Jesus at the cross. We are not fighting for victory, we are fighting from victory.
4. We are significant in Christ.
Your identity is in Christ. Your significance is found in the significance of Jesus. It is an absolute wonder how God uses each of us uniquely. Each of us have been created in His image.
The Father’s Love Letter
This letter was written with you in mind. God’s love is expressed through His word. Download a copy of The Father’s Love Letter that Sue read in today’s broadcast.