Hi! I am Sue Detweiler
I am an inspirational author, prophetic speaker, and host of the Healing Rain podcast listened to in 135 nations. I am a recognized member of Randy Clark’s Global Awakening Network and Apostle Guillermo Maldonado’s Supernatural Global Network. I also received the highest recognition from the president of the Foursquare Church, Jack Hayford, for leading Life School of Ministry, a three-year Bible training institute in Nashville that grew to five hundred students. I hold a Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt University and my pursuing my doctorate with Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
I am a pioneer woman pastor who began preaching at the age of 19. With my husband, Wayne, I planted and co-pastored their first church at the age of 22. With a strong prophetic teaching gift, I have equipped men and women to become pastors, evangelists, and missionaries to the nations. I am an international speaker and travel to Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Executive Director of Life Bridge Global
I also serve as Executive Director of Life Bridge Global, bringing healing, hope, and freedom to neighbors, nations, and generations. This Christian nonprofit equips individuals, local churches, and international communities through events, training, and creating online media resources, broadcasts, and courses.
My husband Wayne Detweiler and I have been married for over thirty- five years and have raised six children together. They now live in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and have eight grandchildren (and counting).
- B.A. in Psychology/ Bible Goshen College
- M.Div with focus in Counseling Vanderbilt Divinity School
- D.Min in Theology from Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
Outstanding Leadership Award from President Jack Hayford of the Foursquare Church for Life School of Ministry, a 3-year bible training institute with 500 Students
Ordained with Randy Clark’s Global Awakening Network and The Foursquare Church
Leader with Apostle Guillermo Maldanado Supernatural Global Network part of his crusade team traveling to nations