Day 4

Inspirational Quotes

A Life-Giving Mom rejoices in truth.

She never gives up. 
She never loses faith.

She is always full of hope.

She endures through every circumstance.

Her love never fails when it is anchored in

the Life-Giving, Love-Extending Power of God.

Learning Endurance

With the help of God and by the grace of God, you are able to be the best mom in the world for your children. As your children grow and develop, you have the opportunity to grow and develop as a parent. You are able to endure the tough times knowing that it is HIS love that NEVER fails.


Love never gives up, never loses faith, 

God’s love is hopeful, and 

endures through every circumstance.

Inspirational Quotes on Love that Never Fails

“When you are tempted to give up,

your breakthrough is probably just around the corner.” 
― Joyce Meyer

Jesus said,

“So now I am giving you a new commandment:

Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should

love each other. Your love for one another 

will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

John 13:34-35 NLT

Today’s Prayer 

Let my life be an offering to You.

Let the daily sacrifice that I make as a mom

be a sweet-smelling aroma to You.

When I am angry, help me not to sin.

Let my lips speak words that build up my children.

Holy Spirit, be present with me all through the day.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sue Detweiler

Sue Detweiler

Sue Detweiler is a mother of six, author, speaker, and radio host with over 25 years of experience in leadership, ministry, and education. Sue’s first book 9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom is available here.