You Are Invited on a Prayer Journey
Every journey has a beginning. The starting point of prayer is God. Like a father who waits to hear every detail of your life, He waits for you. You don’t need to get dressed up and go to church to reverently pray. The God of the universe invites you to come as you are. You can endure anything when you are at God’s side. He is the transformer. He turns sorrow to joy. He turns bitter to sweet. I wrote Women Who Move Mountains: Praying with Confidence, Grace, and Boldness with you in mind!
Prayer is an Exercise in Faith
As you come close to God in prayer, He brings purpose even from the brokenness of your life. You can’t remain downcast when you turn your face upward to God. He reaches down to your lowest pit, but He doesn’t leave you there.
So many are saying, “God will never rescue him!” But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high. I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain.
Psalm 3:2–4
Negative thoughts may try to convince you that God will never rescue you. Prayer rinses these plaguing doubts from your mind. As you cry out to God, He answers you. He shields you with His presence. The more you know God, the more you trust Him.
Women Who Move Mountains: Praying with Confidence, Boldness, and Grace
Tears have flooded my eyes as I have been receiving the words of encouragement from those who have read my newest book that launches May 2 on Amazon.
What Readers are Saying…

Bree Beal
I cannot tell you how much this book is impacting me. I can’t put it down. Each page is changing my life! This book is ANOINTED! God really wanted me to read this. He brought it into my life at the perfect time. God is all over this book. I love the format and how the chapters are structured. I also love the journal questions. This book is very practical and full of wisdom. I’m so blessed to be here and have the opportunity to read this 💜
God is at work! I know He will answer our prayers!
Pastor Sue… It comes through in the book and in your constant prayer that you care deeply for those who need God the most…. May you and your ministry continue to be blessed…
Amen, Christin! God uses each of us. As we come into his presence we are changed. He empowers us to help others.
Christin, I praise God how he used the timing of this book to impact your life and your families.. Praying for you.
This is a wonderful, wonderful book on prayer, having confidence before the Lord, being intimate with Him, and becoming free, surrendered & effective in our callings & our life. Although I read this book in a couple of days, it is really meant to be read slowly, so the reader can really absorb God’s Word, and I will go back and re-read it like it is intended. The author shares touching stories from various people, including her own life. She also helps the reader to understand Scriptures in a new way. Some of my favorite quotes are: “Our hope is not in learning a new method of prayer. It is in knowing the person & power of Jesus Christ.” And: “The more you know God, the more you trust Him.” Also: “Every day we have the opportunity to agree with God & allow His perspective to flood us with His hope. It’s like having a pressure washer in your mind.” She uses examples about “coming to the light”, cows versus buffalo, FUNK, HOPE, and a camel removing his load that will remain with me. I was given this as an ARC copy, and I choose to leave my own honest review, encouraging anyone to read this powerful book! IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR TIME!!!
Wow! Becky… Praise God.
I’m thrilled how God is using this book to impact lives!
Like drops of liquid grace falling on our prayer-parched lives, Women Who Move Mountains, will restore your passion and practically equip you for the ongoing, world-changing conversations you’re invited to have daily with your powerful God. It’s moving, motivating, and if you’ll allow it to be, life-changing. Thank you, Sue Detweiler!
Kim, I just love this comment… beautiful…
This book is incredible and I am only on chapter 4! God sent this at the perfect time for what we are going through. It’s such an encouragement! A tall glass of cool water to a parched and desperate mama’s soul. Please join me and my family as we fervently pray for God to move a mountain. I can’t go into details on a public forum, but we covet your prayers. Let’s change history together!
(Also, where are the journal pages that it says we can download? and the video on transforming fear into faith.)
God moves mountains as we cry out to Him in prayer…
I need some help if possible. I ordered these books for a bible study at my church and noticed that there is the availability for videos to go along? Can you help me locate these? God Bless! Thanks!
Thank you for the article.
Great blog that I enjoyed reading.