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Entering Your Promised Land
None of us expected a global pandemic in 2020. Many have given up on 2020 and feel so disappointed that the things they hoped for and dreamed of have not come to pass. This has been a year where Jesus the vinedresser (John 15) has pruned the church for greater fruitfulness. It’s like God the father sent all of his kids to their rooms and said, “Go, get your attitude right!”
In these next few weeks of 2020, we have a window of opportunity to enter into our promised land. As you and I press in to believe God and prepare our hearts, there will be more breakthrough in end of 2021 than in the preceding 11 months. He is the God of breakthrough!
This is a year to overcome every obstacle. To believe God that you are able to enter His promised land. To look forward to the future.
God has designed you in such a way that you have passion in areas of your purpose. Why is it that so many fall short of entering into God’s promised land? Perhaps a better question for you to ask today is – why don’t I enter into my promises?
Let’s look at 5 Steps to receiving your inheritance in Christ.
Step 1: Have faith in God’s promise.
Poised for Promise, the Israelites missed their opportunity to enter into God’s promised land because they didn’t have faith. For 40 years they marched around in the wilderness before they died. They never entered into the promise that God had for them. It wasn’t that they were just dreaming about promises that didn’t really exist. They could have entered into their promise in 11 days which was the amount of time it took to walk there from Egypt. Why did they miss out on the land of “milk and honey.”
Hebrews 4:2 talks about the Israelites when it says, “…but the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not mixed with faith …”
You must believe what God has promised and not waver in unbelief. Unbelief was deadly for the Israelites. Literally, unbelief and disobedience led to them dropping dead in the wilderness. (See Hebrews 3:18.)
Step 2: Have certainty in God’s power
In order to receive God’s promise in your life, you must be certain in His power. God’s promises for us, corporately and individually, have been prepared and waiting for all who believe and are certain they will receive, because the same God who promised is powerful enough to fulfill His promise. He just wants you and I to enter into His great adventure. He is the one who will miraculously part your Red Sea and cause you to walk in on dry ground.
Step 3: Have trust in God’s wisdom.
You will receive His promise only when you begin to trust His wisdom that He knows what is best for you. You must come into agreement with His plan and His purpose for your life and trust in His timing. God will not only give you a promise, He will also give you the wise strategy of how to accomplish it in His strength.
Step 4: Have confidence in God’s goodness.
God is good! You must lean into God with absolute trust and confidence that what He has for you in life is good. If God is just hanging a promise out like the proverbial carrot, leading you on a wild goose chase, then that would be torture. You will enjoy what God has for you. The dream that God has for your life is connected with His Global dream of redeeming humanity.
Step 5: Have boldness to enter God’s provision.
To enter into the promised land requires risk. You have to leave what is familiar to you in order to enter the new place God has for you. Until you take the leap of faith, you won’t see the fullness of God’s promise. So be bold and strong and leap into God’s redemptive plan for your life!
Making it Practical
Take action this week to focus on what’s really important in your life. Get alone with God with a Bible and journal in your hands and seek Him with your whole heart. Don’t be afraid to ask Him the BIG questions. He is a BIG God with BIG answers!
I would love to help make this your best year ever. Download 21 Days to Spiritual Breakthrough! Spending time with God helps you focus your faith on what God is calling you to. Walking closer with God on a daily basis will help you enter into your promised land.
Have faith in God’s promise. Have certainty of God’s power. Have trust in God’s wisdom. Have confidence in God’s goodness. Have boldness to enter God’s provision.
God has been at work in my life preparing for each step in this journey… I’m looking forward to 2016!
Thank you for the words of encouragement. Our family will be facing some new challenges this year–and they are big ones. Thank you for the reminder that God is still in control–Although I am already well aware of this, in the midst of the storms, it is helpful to be reminded again and again 🙂
#3, trusting God’s wisdom, was especially meaningful for me this morning. Even though I don’t fully understand why these challenges have come our way, God continues to be in control. I am confidant that He is more than able to work them for good. Today, I’m putting my faith in God’s promises and power.
Thank you for the opportunity to share in the Link-up too!
Jed, God is in control! Aren’t you thankful for that! I know I am. I am constantly reminded that it is not by my own strength or might or grand idea. In fact, in my weakness, He is strong. I have spent a moment praying for you and your family for His GRACE! Divine empowerment to be who you were created to be! His unmerited favor will carry you through! I hope you signed up for the 21 Days to Spiritual Breakthrough! Be encouraged!
Thanks Sue,
Sure appreciate you praying, and the words of encouragement 🙂
Please pray that God will bless our Little Oak Garden a Christian tourism holiday home project in Kenya with international partners.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: + 254 (0) 748840033
I love to meet with your ministry
GOD bless you more anointing in JESUS name