Have you found yourself eating-out-of-control after a sad event occurs in your life? Are you tripped up by food triggers. Do you desire to end your cravings once-and-for-all? Dr. Rhona Epstein, Psy.D offers practical advice to help you eat well and live better.
Rhona admits that, “Growing up, sugar was my drug of choice. It was like heroin for me.” (Food Triggers, 5). Rhona, a licensed psychologist and certified addictions counselor, shares her own insights from dealing with her own addictive behavior. She has been helping others find freedom for the past 25 years.
Rhona not only uncovers the chemistry in our bodies that triggers addiction, but also the emotional factors such as unresolved bitterness or “stinkin thinkin.” She helps individuals break free from food addictions.
Dr. G Amen, MD, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body says, “If you can’t put down the fork, if you never have leftovers, if you are always hungry but never full, if your addiction to food is running your life– buy this book and let it set you free.”
Alcoholics and drug abusers can completely stop using their drug of choice. Food addicts need to continue to eat to live. Dr. Rhona breaks down what it takes to rid your life of food addiction. She brings science and faith together
Join Dr. Rhona Epstein on Monday, January 27 at 8pm on Inspiring Women. Call 323-679-0977 to find answers to your questions.
You can order her book here:
I look forward to the program and learning more from Dr. Epstein.