Dream Again!
How do you deal with disappointment? We all have situations where we are disappointed. In this short video I share a time my daughter was disappointed when she was young. Watch this:
Hope that Doesn’t Disappoint
All of us, like Angela, go through times of being disappointed. Our perspective of what was going to happen was different from reality. We can make assumptions about God’s will in our lives and be deceived. The key to dreaming again, is to anchor our hope on God. God thinks differently than we do. His perspective is so much broader. His word says,
This doesn’t mean, of course, that we have only a hope of future joys—we can be full of joy here and now even in our trials and troubles. Taken in the right spirit these very things will give us patient endurance; this in turn will develop a mature character, and a character of this sort produces a steady hope, a hope that will never disappoint us. Already we have some experience of the love of God flooding through our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us. Romans 5:3-5 JB Phillips
When Things Turn Out Differently Than We Imagine
During the Memorial Day Weekend, I was captivated by the story of Kyle Carpenter who has won the medal of honor for fighting in Afghanistan. He was advancing against the enemy when a full grenade exploded underneath him. As he knew he was dying, he made peace with God through prayer. He woke up 6 weeks later in a hospital. This song shows pictures of his story and calls all of us to Stand when we are faced with adversity. Watch this short video in honor of Memorial Day weekend and all the soldiers who are fighting for our freedom.
The type of battle that Kyle Carpenter fought after having a grenade explode underneath him, is a type of battle that we face when we are disappointed. We have to fight to move forward after difficult things happen. The enemy of our hearts wants us to wallow in disappointment and give up. God, however, calls us to stand up and fight.
Dream Again
For my daughter Angela, the set-back of not having a part in the play was a set-up for God developing humility in her character so that she could be used as a dance leader for others.
So what is it for you? Life may be different than you imagined.
I love the tender ways that God grows our character — like the teachable moment with Angela Grace…
Awesome teaching points, Sue. This is exactly what I needed to read and I believe others will be blessed by it too. I hope you and your family have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Thanks Stacy!
I love the idea that “setbacks” become “set-ups” for God. Beautiful and timely. Thank you!
Yes, now to put it in practice!
Sue, l absolutely love this post! So encouraging and inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing this! Infinite blessings to you, Love! 🙂
Girl, you are an encourager!
THANKS, Sue. In a place right now where I need this constant encouragement as the enemy whispers lies…THANKS again and blessings. And HUGS 🙂
Sheila, I know what you mean… When I get in those places, I ask God to raise up His intercessors on my behalf… You know what often happens? Some one will call me or see me and say, you know, the LORD just put you on my heart. We ALL need encouragement every single day. So you go girl!
Be encouraged,
Sue, what a beautiful tribute with STAND. Touches my soul. As it should. No setback. Just set ups for God to work in and through each one of us. Thank you! Susan