How to Be Salt and Light
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke.
A good woman is taking a stand to be salt and light during this year’s election where the majority of Christians may have given up on being a voice for God in the voting booth. Liz Lemery Joy’s first book How to Be Salt and Light: The Christian’s Guide to Vote beacons evangelical Christians to take a stand for God when they vote.
Statistics show that few Christians fully embrace their god-given right to vote. Here are the statistics:
Only about 50 percent of Christians in America are registered to vote.
Of those, only 50 percent show up at the polls, meaning 75 percent of all Christians are not taking advantage of one of their greatest privileges.
If every Christian would register to vote and then do so, candidates who share their beliefs and values would win the presidency in a landslide.*
75 % o Christians are not standing up for their beliefs and taking action in the voting booth. Often the stumbling ground is

Liz Lemery Joy being interviewed in Washington DC.
the personalities in the presidential race. Liz Lemery Joy says,”Too often people get sidetracked by the personalities who are campaigning. Your vote does not have to do with whether or not you like a candidate. Concentrate on casting your vote as an ambassador of Jesus Christ. Be heaven’s voice in the voting booth.”
How to Be Salt and Light: The Christian’s Guide to Voting
After a completing a Daniel Fast, God spoke to Liz Lemery Joy’s heart about writing a book that would help people to “vote the bible.” As she took a stand to obey God, doors began to open on radio, television and social platforms. She is motivating Christian voters to vote biblical on the issues of the election.
About Liz Lemery Joy:
Liz is a mother of four, author, speaker and blogger in New York State. She started a ‘Vote the Bible’ initiative corresponding with over 500 churches in her State in order to help Pastors, Ministers and Clergy become active in the political process through biblical voting. She has been on numerous radio shows, Trinity Broadcasting Network in NYC, and worked closely with a New York Senator to host several prayer events and promote active Christian voting.
How to Be Salt and Light: The Christian’s Guide to Voting is being published by Life Bridge Press, A division of Detweiler LLC. If you would like to interview Liz, contact her directly at [email protected] or

Get your copy at
- Accessed on September 25, 2016 at “Your Vote Matters” at
I’t so proud of Liz Lemery Joy. Her stand convicts my heart to take action in this upcoming election.
Yes, ma’am! Even in the privacy of the voting booth, we show up for God and our convictions. In a year when it’s tempting to stay home and feed my bad attitude, I appreciate today’s wisdom!