Overwhelm Fear with Faith-Filled Prayer
Have you ever been in a stress-filled situation and said, “I’m overwhelmed.” To be overwhelmed in today’s world means that you have such a flood of things coming towards you that you are unable to think clearly. You feel stressed, anxious and out of sort. Your busyness has gotten out of control so that life is coming at you rather than you purposefully living your life to the full.
To overwhelm fear with faith-filled prayer means that you overcome your flesh and the enemy through prayer. This means that you overcome, overpower, destroy and crush fear under your feet. You need to aggressively overthrow fear so that rather than being overwhelmed, you overwhelm the enemy.
Schedule Consistent Prayer and a Place to Pray
As simple as it sounds, spend time in prayer. Choose a place to pray and schedule a time on your calendar and then keep your appointment with God. Your destiny depends on your consistency. Even with this said, do not become overly-religious with this and set impossible goals for yourself. If you are having trouble praying for 5 minutes, do not write down a goal to pray 5 hours. Start where you are and grow deep. Reading this book is going to increase your desire to spend time with God.
Spend Daily Time in God’s Word
The ammunition in your arsenal to annihilate the enemy is the Word of God. If you have a shallow approach to God’s word, you will only have surface victories. To have a deep, satisfying relationship with God and consistently defeat the devil you must consistently wield your sword, which is the Word of God.
Steadily Invest Time in Meditation and Declaration
The North American Church neglects the power of meditation to transform your mindset and inform your character. The Psalmist talks about the spiritual life of someone who is blessed and prosperous.
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law He meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.
That brings forth its fruit in its season
Whose leaf does not wither
And whatever he does shall prosper.”
Psalm 1:2-3 NKJV
The Biblical practice of meditation is often neglected during the contemporary social media era where we are bombarded by messages every day. To meditate means that you reflect, ponder, and contemplate God’s word in a holistic way. It is not a mental exercise only. If you go and observe the Jews spending time meditating at the “Wailing Wall” in Jerusalem you will see that their meditation consistently move to declaration. The jews may rock back and forth while meditation upon Scriptures and praying intense prayers, or wailing to God.
Declarative prayer is when you activate the biblical knowledge of God’s word, will, and ways into spoken prayer. You are literally declaring the word of God out-loud. Sometimes, you are reading out-loud written prayers that are based on the Bible. As you confess the truth of God from your lips, you activate your faith and obliterate your fear.
Strategically Plan Your Day and Abide in Christ
If you are constantly aware of God’s presence and power as you walk through your daily life you will overpower the enemy. You and I need to plan our days under the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit. We need to schedule our day and prioritize what God is calling us to do and not be distracted by the enemy.
You may already know that you should do the tactical maneuvers listed above, yet if you are like me you are not 100% activating your faith and walking this out. Relax, none of us are walking this out 100% of the time. All of us fall short of what God fully intends for our life of prayer.
Do You Want a Break-through in Your Prayer Life?
I’ve prepared a guide for you to help you overcome barriers and prepare your heart for a fresh season of encountering God’s presence. Click the Picture Below to Download your free guide now!
It’s amazing how much I need to remind myself of these basic tactical ways to win the daily battle!
I struggled with embracing the power of prayer. I tend toward independence and prayer felt like weakness. That is crazy-talk, I know! I will say, your suggestions are spot on. Those are exactly the things that God used to draw me into dependence on Him.
YES! Prayer is the vulnerable acknowledgement that we need Jesus!